Make Router

From OnixOS
Revision as of 09:56, 11 August 2024 by Tedaryum (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The router socket structure was created with the intention of creating an API over the HTTP/S protocol and exchanging data through the socket. In web based projects it is possible to write web server quickly and easily. In addition, the API can be created in micro-services. hello.olm (as hello module): <code>def hello = fn(name){ return ("Hello, "+name+"! Welcome to Olang") }</code> router.ol (as router): <code>load "hello.olm" def config = { <nowiki> </nowiki>...")
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The router socket structure was created with the intention of creating an API over the HTTP/S protocol and exchanging data through the socket. In web based projects it is possible to write web server quickly and easily. In addition, the API can be created in micro-services.

hello.olm (as hello module):

def hello = fn(name){
  return ("Hello, "+name+"! Welcome to Olang")

router.ol (as router):

load "hello.olm"
def config = {
  "/": {
    type: "GET",
    response: "Welcome to the O-Lang Router!"
    type: "POST",
    response: (hello("{{.name}}"))
show("Listening Ctrl+C to exit.")
webserver("8080",  config);

GET method test:

~> curl -X GET localhost:8080
Welcome to the O-Lang Router!

POST method test (oytun as parameter value for name [ :name => {{.name}} ]):

~> curl -X POST localhost:8080/oytun
Hello, oytun! Welcome to Olang

As you can see in the example, we wrote a web micro service using port 8080 via get and post methods.